Family Member Registration

While we have opened our family histories and photographs to all visitors some of our content (such as our member database and Reunion Proceedings) is for family members only and is not of any real interest to non family members.  If you or your spouse are a direct descendant of Thomas X. or George W. Smith you are encouraged to register with our site.  Please complete the registration form below (use the form to trace your or your spouse’s ancestry back to either Thomas X. or George W. Smith). Once your information has been verified you will be emailed a user-name and password which you can then use to access the “Family members only” portions of our web site. Your information will also be entered onto the family members database in the secure section of our site. Your information will only be used to grow our family database and allow us to push important information to you. Thanks and welcome!


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Address

    Your Home Phone Number

    Your Cell Phone Number

    Your Spouse

    Your Parents

    Your GrandParents

    Your GGrandParents

    Your GGGrandParents (if necessary)

    Your GGGGrandParents (if necessary)

    Your GGGGGrandParents(if necesary)

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