George W. Smith and his Younger brother, Thomas X and their wives and children were the first members of our Smith family to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Both George and Thomas were born in Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire, England: George was born May 2, 1823 and Thomas was born December 25, 1828. George was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on October 29, 1848. Thomas joined the Church April 17, 1849. Following the admonition of their Church leaders both brothers immigrated to America with their wives and young children, traveled 1500 miles across the plains and joined the Saints in Utah. Thomas X arrived in Utah in 1853  with his wife, Margaret Gurney and daughter, Lucy, and newborn son, Orson.  George W. and his wife, Catherine Wooton, his young daughters, Sobrina and Jane, and a newborn daughter, Anne Merintha arrived in 1855 and joined his brother who had settled in Farmington, Utah.

Smith Family Foundation Mission Statement

The Thomas X and George W. Smith Family Foundation is composed of the descendants of these two great men. Our major objective is to strengthen the overall family with particular emphasis on teaching our heritage of family and faith to the upcoming generation (our future leaders). In pursuit of that objective we are organized to accomplish the following:

1. Research, compile, and make publicly available the Thomas X and George W. Smith genealogical data, maintain a current database of family members and encourage connections with the values and teaching of those who have gone on before.

2. Research, create, and preserve family histories, identify, catalogue, and preserve family photographs/artifacts.

3. Publish these family histories and other family memorabilia (primarily via the web site.

4. Promote and sustain family love and unity through regularly scheduled family reunions.

5. Reach out and encourage the youth of our family to learn and value their family heritage through family reunions, publications, electronic media, and to take an active role in the future direction of our family organization.

6. Maintain an active  website to preserve and share all that we know and continue to discover about our ancestors.

7.  Maintain an active Facebook page to provide a means to update our family organization on current events and important activities.   That Facebook page is found at:

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